Chinese- Class Monitor Election Project

The class monitor election was the largest project we did in Chinese II DEP during 10th grade. The project was inspired by a movie we watched in class that showed a elementary class in china exploring democracy by electing a class monitor. After viewing this movie, Ms. Chen decided that we should also do a project like this, so the next day, she gave us a rubric for the Class Monitor Election project. We had to use the Chinese we had learned over the last two years to campaign to get our candidate elected. We also had to create a PowerPoint that had our candidate's speech in Chinese, English, and pinyin, and also had to include the grammar points and sentence structures used in the speech. We each also had to record ourselves doing the speech in front of the camera and had to include these videos in the PowerPoint. The main quality used in this project is collaboration. Each person was in charge of creating a different part of the project and then had to assemble all the pieces together into one final project. We also had to help each other during the recordings because our speech was very long compared to the other groups and it was difficult for the other people in my group to read this speech without needing some type of pronunciation help from me.