Biology and Health- Healthy Cookbook

The healthy cookbook project is when we had to work with a group of other students to produce a cookbook to combat the obesity epidemic in the United States. We started by selecting a theme for our cookbook, our theme was international chicken recipes. We each selected a country and went and found two chicken recipes from that country. We then used what we learned in health and biology to make the recipes healthier for you. We then each then put the recipe, the nutrition facts, a picture of our food that we made ourselves, and a healthy tip into a cookbook page layout. We then spent the next two weeks editing and getting feedback on the cookbook until it looked good and there were no errors.
Some things I learned from Biology are how the things we eat are used by the cell and how the food we eat becomes something that our cells can use. Some things that I learned from Health are how simple things like what you cook food in can have a big difference in the nutrition of a food and how to understand the nutrition facts better. The most interesting thing I learned though is just how long it takes to make something that looks so simple at first. This was also my greatest challenge in making this cookbook. When we were finally done making the cookbook, it had taken two weeks, seven peer critiques, and about four inches of paper. In the end, I am proud of the fact that it looked so nice and the diagrams fit in really well.
The qualities that were used the most on this project are communication, collaboration, and persistence. We used communication because we spent a lot of time with our group trying to figure out how we wanted to make this cookbook. Collaboration was used because at the end when it was crunch time, we all got our work done and each helped each other with their parts. Even the people who weren’t there on the last three days of the project helped a lot via email. Finally, persistence was used because this was a very long project to make and edit. By the time we were done, some groups were celebrating with parties in the middle of school!