Intersession Final Project: Container Garden

The purpose of the intersession garden project was to create a container garden that could be replicated and sent out to people in food deserts. Food deserts are areas where there is little or no healthy foods available within eight miles. In food deserts, people have to go to fast food places for food or they get something unhealthy at the grocery store. We have places in Dayton that are food deserts and we were trying to help fix this problem. Inquiry was the main quality that was demonstrated in this project because we had to find ways to cut the double thick fiberglass on both sides of the garden without the friction from the saw blade causing the fiberglass to melt back together. Collaboration is also a good quality for this project because when we were assembling the garden, we all had to hold the different parts while someone shot the screws. If anyone had slipped or dropped their part a bit, the whole thing would have collapsed on someone.