History- Palestine Letter Project
The Palestine Letter project was a project where we sent a formal letter to our congressman with the topic of whether or not Palestine should be made a state in the United Nations. We spent the first few weeks studying the history between Israel and Palestine and talking to advocates from both sides of the issue. Next we decided which side we would present and proceeded to find facts to back up our views. We then created a rough draft of our argument and submitted it for feedback from our teachers and fellow peers. Finally, we proceeded to finalize our letters and submit it for grading. After a week, we printed our final letter and sent it to our congressman. After about two months, I received a reply letter from my congressman talking to me about his views on the conflict. Both my letter and his reply letter can be found on this site.
The quality used the most on this project was inquiry. When I started this project, I had no clue what was going on between Israel and Palestine. All I knew was that they really didn't like each other. I had to go and learn from scratch everything that happened between them so that I could then go and write my letter.